Summer Storage Solutions

Surviving the summer means protecting tools and other stored items. But, no one wants an unsightly mess in their garage, regardless of how organized it is. Garage cabinets take care of both the chaos and the need for protection. The garage becomes multifunctional without being unattractive.



Like the rest of us, sports equipment, tools, and seasonal items need to be protected from the blistering heat here in the Valley during the summer. The weather, combined with monsoon rains, means that protection is essential. Bugs seeking refuge from the heat or a place to hole up for the winter will find boxes in the garage an enticing place to nest.


Garage cabinets are well-sealed and minimize infestations. Possessions are safe and secure without being in the way or in danger of being damaged by the ebb and flow, which is part of ordinary events in a garage. This security extends to not having one’s possessions easily visible from the street when the garage door is open.


Garage cabinets can be supplemented or supplanted by overhead storage if the homeowner doesn’t require immediate access to their stored items regularly. For those things which need to be available instantly, garage cabinets are a better option. Cabinets can be arranged to include shelving and a workbench, are floor-to-ceiling, and come in many lovely colors and styles. Your own needs are genuinely reflected in your storage design.


Unfinished walls in your garage are covered by clean, attractive garage cabinets which last for years. Our cabinets are built from high-quality materials which make the garage a pleasant and charming place. No more embarrassment when the need to open the garage door arises!


Those who formerly had a monthly storage bill can have their possessions safely under one roof. No more low-level anxiety about a storage unit at another location!

Best of all, garage cabinets add to the functional value of a garage. It can be used for both storage and as a place to keep the family vehicles. The home isn’t cluttered with things which are rarely used but necessary at various times. An uncluttered garage brings a quiet joy every time a homeowner or family member has cause to be in the garage.

Our garage cabinets are for those who want to get the best value from their garage space, but one which is well-organized and attractive. They will bring a whole new feeling of control and order to the garage. For more information, talk to one of our garage cabinet specialists today.

Quick Response Garage Cabinets provides excellent and secure storage solutions and epoxy flooring for Phoenix area residential garage needs. Call  602-726-2211  or book an appointment online today!