How to Prepare Your Garage for the Summer


Winter’s freezing temperatures are finally gone, and it’s time to prepare your garage for the summer. While the cold season may have wreaked havoc, warmer conditions also present numerous challenges to householders. For this reason, it’s crucial to perform a maintenance inspection when the weather is ideal for making improvements. Otherwise, your garage may get neglected and warrant costly repairs. Here are helpful tips to get your garage ready for the summer:

Removing clutter

The first duty on the list is to declutter the garage. Most people use the area to store a miscellaneous collection of objects, such as sporting equipment and seasonal decorations. However, hoarding a bunch of items limits the room for the car and essential tools.

To get rid of clutter, try installing a garage cabinet. It’s a convenient way to store items, making it easier to find them and freeing up space for your vehicle. Best of all, many reliable garage cabinet companies can build these neat pieces of furniture in no time.

Thorough inspection

The moment the weather allows it, don’t forget to take a closer look at the garage door and the remote system. One of the prevailing signs of damage is loose screws and bolts. They compromise structural integrity and can precipitate numerous problems down the line. Additionally, ensure there’s no rust since it can eat through metal doors and form holes for rain to enter.

If anything looks out of order, reach out to a reliable garage door technician.

Lubricating the door

Garage doors can sometimes stick during opening and closing sequences. Thankfully, homeowners can easily prevent this by applying garage door lubricants. They work wonders on various components, including gate rollers, pulleys, chains, tracks, and hinges. Not only do these substances keep the door functional, but they also postpone having to buy a new one.

Cleaning the door

Summer offers ideal conditions for cleaning garage doors. Since the door is outside, it’s exposed to numerous contaminants and considerable dirt build-up.

To make sure it looks just as attractive as the rest of your house, have it cleaned before summer arrives. Apart from the aesthetic factor, this process also helps extend the lifetime of the door.


Insulating the garage helps keep it fresh during scorching summer days. It prevents heat from entering, maintaining a cool atmosphere on the premises. Plus, it means you can use the air conditioner less often, saving a ton of money otherwise spent on energy bills.

Quick Response Garage Cabinets provides excellent and secure storage solutions and epoxy flooring for Phoenix area residential garage needs. Call  602-726-2211  or book an appointment online today!